Ohio Unveils Its First Flying Car
Ohio Unveils Its First Flying Car LIFT Aircraft brings its HEXA aircraft to Ohio. Hear from Governor Mike DeWine, US Air Force leaders, LIFT Aircraft executives, and more, as they unveil Ohio’s first[...]
Ohio Aerospace Institute’s February 2021 Newsletter
A New Opportunity A new year is upon us and optimism is bountiful. A COVID-19 vaccine brings promise that the travel industry is on its way to a recovery, returning furloughed employees to work.[...]
Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Resumes January 11, 2021
Notice: Paycheck Protection Program resumes January 11, 2021 at 9am ET The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) is a US Small Business Administration (SBA) loan that helps businesses keep their workforce employed during the Coronavirus (COVID-19)[...]
How to Pay Your Property Taxes Before the End of the Year
How to Pay Your Property Taxes Before the End of the Year Dale Miller, County Council January 1, 2021 Although tax payments are not due until January 28, 2021 (just extended by 1 week[...]
“Zooming ahead? Not so fast!”
"Zooming ahead? Not so fast!" Henry Mintzberg December 8, 2020 We are smitten with the latest videoconferencing technology much as a lover is smitten with a new partner. We notice everything that is wonderful[...]
Berea Offers Grants to Small Businesses
Berea Offers Grants to Small Businesses The City of Berea will again award $2,000 grants to area small businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The City gave $2,000 grants to 55 Berea businesses in[...]